INTIMACYReturning to our First Love and walking out the Great Commandment is the passion of God’s Heart and the heart of true Forerunners.
INTERCESSIONWalking in the Priestly Anointing every believer has received. We minister first to the Lord and then in behalf of the nations in the place of prayer
CHARACTERThe primary role of the Holy Spirit is to produce in the heart of every believer the Character of Christ. We are called to be like Christ as His Representatives here on earth.
Forerunner messengers embrace the reality that Christ is returning as a Bridegroom King, and Judge. In light of His End-Time Judgments Forerunners seek to see the nations repent and come into God’s Salvation.
The Anointing Power of God in these last days will manifest in bringing Justice to the nations. The Gifts of the Spirit are used for the purpose of ministering to all who need a touch of God. Healing, Deliverance, Social Justice, etc are made possible through the Anointing of God’s Spirit.
Student Testimony
"I am so grateful to the Forerunner Messenger Alliance over the last four years as they have offered leadership, encouragement and spiritual formation for the ministry that the Lord has called me to personally and the corporate family of IHOP–Miami. I am confident that the FMA will continue to mold and inspire the next generation of forerunner messengers to be a clear voice to the Body of Christ in preparation for the return of Jesus. I want to give special thanks to Carlos Sarmiento and the Orlando House of Prayer for leading the charge across the state of Florida." - David, IHOP Miami