Mike Bickle (IHOP-KC)“I highly recommend the ministry of Carlos and Emily Sarmiento. They have been serving with Lord in ministry for over 26 years. His dedication and service to the Lord is remarkable and to be admired. Carlos is involved with the training of leaders and equipping of short and long term missionaries. They are amazing people as many of you already know. Carlos obviously has unusual leadership abilities as he is serving as Director to the entire OHOP Missions Base as well as the Director of Forerunner School of Ministry, an internship training bible school in The Orlando/Central Florida Area.
His leadership abilities is invaluable in leading intercessory meetings for revival in the USA and other nations. He is a servant with usual faithfulness in ways that are essential to the success of this ministry. God has anointed Carlos to lead the Orlando House Of Prayer and the Forerunner School of Ministry. He is a man whom God has seasoned and prepared through many years for such a time as this. I recommend this couple as faithful servants of the Lord Jesus and of us, and I invite you to prayerfully consider how you can invest into the commission God has given us to further the Kingdom by supporting them and getting involved with them.” - Mike Bickle, Director International House of Prayer IHOPKC.org |