FMA is an %100 Online Ministry School!
All our classes are accessed online. You can complete all requirements for FMA from any place that is convenient for you with internet access and at your own pace. Our programs are designed to fit your schedule. We are here to support and encourage you to completion. We have 3 programs available, simply pick the program best for you.
FMA offers a Certificate Program for those desiring to go deeper in the knowledge of God. This Program has over 50 anointing teachings that will equip you deeper truths of God's Word and prepare you as an end-time messenger. This is our basic program, however it is also used as building block. If at anytime you desire to upgrade to a minister license or ordination you can do so. All classes taken will be credited to you for your license and ordination.
Students apply for Year 1. After the completion of Year 1, students must re-apply for Year 2. *The program does not give you credentials. It does however give you a certificate of completion. COST
Year 1
Tuition: FREE Application Fee: $50 Year 2 Tuition: FREE Application Fee: $50 |
FMA offers a Ministry License to individuals that have been called to both preach or teach God’s word, serve in the marketplace, and/or serve in a Ministry. Those who are licensed have been affirmed in their gift and ability in the ministry.
Students apply for Year 1. After the completion of Year 1, students must re-apply for Year 2. *This program gives you a ministry license. You will receive a certificate of completion along with a License card. COST
Year 1
Tuition: FREE Application Fee: $50 Year 2 Tuition: FREE Application Fee: $50 |
FMA offers a Ministry Ordination to individuals who have received the gift to serve God in full time ministry in one of the five-fold offices (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher). An ordained minister under FMA is one who primarily makes his/her living from the ministry he/she serves in.
Students apply for Year 1. After the completion of Year 1, students must re-apply for Year 2. *This program gives you a ministry ordination. You will receive a certificate of completion along with an ordination card. COST
Year 1
Tuition: FREE Application Fee: $50 Year 2 Tuition: FREE Application Fee: $50 |
Student Testimony
"My whole life I've always felt a calling to be in full-time ministry. As I developed in my Christian faith, I was looking for opportunities to walk out this calling that the Lord has placed on my heart. Finally, I stumbled upon this training opportunity to join FMA. As I begin the training my heart begin to grow in ways that only confirmed this desire to be in ministry. I grew in the knowledge of God, but at the same time I grew in the understanding of what it's going to take to truly be a minister before the Lord. The training truly molded my paradigm, my heart, and even my will. The classes are profound, as well as the discussion times that challenged what we believe. I would highly recommend this training to anyone who wants to go deeper, harder, and fulfill their calling as a minister before the Lord." - Elliot, FMA Graduate